Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Language and the Web

So I'm noticing this difference in the way my students freewrite. Freewriting is an exercise developed by Peter Elbow where you write without pausing for a timed period, not stopping to think or correct, just steadily writing. It's an exercise aimed at getting in touch with our internal flow of words, (with reference to Vygotsky).

My students not only don't have to be nagged to keep going; they have told me they like it!!!!! Very different from my experience using free writing with students 3 years ago. Plus I have noticed that none of them handed in papers that were shorter than the required 15 pages, and many, if not most, were longer! Another surprise.

After thinking and discussing it with my students, I have come to the conclusion that this is the generation that has been using web writing for social purposes, like they do for talking. They are already in touch with their inner flow of language!!!! Their connection with written language is vitally different in a significant way.

And now this Wired article with someone in Wales noticing a variation of the same thing!

This shift isn't the end of teaching writing. No more than talking precludes learning how to present. There is still much for students to learn if they want to write academic papers or business reports.